About Me

Hey, I'm Tonmoy Deb, a Self-Taught Frontend Developer from Bangladesh. I'm all about creating awesome web applications that work smoothly and look fantastic. Solving problems and bringing web applications to life is what I do best. Currently, I'm studying Diploma in Engineering in Computer Science & Technology, always on the lookout for ways to level up my skills.

A Bit About My Developer Journey

I started my journey by diving into frontend development. Crafting stylish web pages using technologies like JavaScript, React JS, and Next JS is where I find my groove. When it comes to styling, I rely on TailwindCSS, though I sometimes use Bootstrap and Material UI too.

And now, I'm excited to say that I've taken the plunge into backend technologies as well. Recently, I've been getting my hands dirty with backend technologies like Node.js and Express.js. They let me bring even more functionality to the websites I create. MongoDB has become my go-to database, and TypeScript is my new coding ally.

My Toolbox for Building Awesome Things

When it's time to code, I turn to Visual Studio Code. My operating system of choice is Linux Mint – a great match for my work. Whether it's frontend or backend, I'm all in.

Beyond the Code

When I'm not coding, I enjoy reading books and going on adventures. I'm passionate about crafting website UIs, even though I'm still honing my skills.

Let's Connect and Collaborate

Want to chat about tech, coding, or anything cool? You can find me here:

Get in Touch

Have a question or want to collaborate? Feel free to reach out:

Let's team up and create some amazing web experiences together!